Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Historical Story


Artist Statement

When coming up with an idea for our historical story we both turned to family stories; our first thoughts turned to the experiences of our grandfathers. We based our story around Peter’s grandpa’s past and his journey in creating the Grammy Awards Show.  After reading “Vivian, Fort Barnwell” we were fascinated with the fact that the picture Canin thought was his mother was actually his grandmother.  His childhood imagination took over and a story was made. Even though the story was only a made up tale, he believed it was true.  Perception is everything. We felt that because of this we could use our own creative freedom.  We found the facts, but added our own voice and style; we had to embellish our script to hold our audience’s attention.  In our workshop Melissa and Adam suggested we add a bit about how the Grammys was named.  We took their advice and incorporated the name into our story. We then thought back to the movie The Blind Side, the true story of an ordinary woman changing the life of a young boy born into unfortunate circumstances. Although it was about an average woman, there was a theme and a message attached to it.  We knew we had to incorporate a theme into ours as well.  Thinking back to the beginning of this process, we both agreed that family was important to us and we wanted the story to focus around that.  With the facts Peter researched about his grandfather, we made an inspiring story about a man having trouble at work. But because of the inspiration he found by supporting his daughter, he was able to come up with what we know as the Grammys.   It was a learning experience taking family history and adding our own twist and theme to it.

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