Chat Artist’s Statement
The Fireside Chat was a pretty neat experience. When the assignment was given that we tell a story related to our beliefs and express it in an artistic sort
of way, it got me thinking about what I could do. There were so many directions
I could take in order to talk about one of my beliefs, however it was also
rather complicated because I didn’t feel like I had many interesting personal
stories to share. That is when I got the idea to come up with a story that did
relate to something I believed in, however it would be somewhat fictional. My
story refers to various experiences I had growing up when I wasn’t sure what
was my true calling in life. I went through a number of phases where I thought
I was meant to be a doctor, a fireman, a chef, and several more. When I felt I
wasn’t supposed to be any of those things, it made me think about what I was
going to be. There were times where I puzzled over and over again until I felt
like I had been torn to pieces in utter confusion. It was the point of feeling
completely lost and useless where I knew I was meant to be a filmmaker. I had finally
received my answer after time and time of searching. So there are some
differences between what really happened and the story about the piece of
paper, but I do feel like it strongly relates to something I actually
this important event in my life took place during my childhood, and I feel like
this is a challenge we all face throughout our youth, I decided structure my
story in a way that resembled a children’s book. I wanted to images to appear
like drawings that could have been done by a child and also for a majority of
them to be in black and white. This decision represents the uncertainty the
piece of paper feels as it attempts to become different things. Once it figures
it all out at the end, the realization brings color and clarity to the world of
the paper. The chapters are simply references to the chapters of its life. Every
time the paper tries to be something else, a new chapter begins.
would say my story relates to other forms of media as I look at the many
children’s books that share profound and meaningful messages, but does so in a
very simple way. They use pretty pictures and small words so that even
youngsters can benefit from the stories. As I look back, I also see a
connection between my story and the assigned readings from this past week,
especially the story, “Observing the Ordinary.” The narrator talks about his
mother and her longing to be something great, just like the piece of paper in
my story. I also look at the photos of the people worshipping in various
places, which help me consider our beliefs can originate from anything or
I think the Fireside Chat was a very effective assignment for the whole class.
I believe it gave everyone the opportunity to create something that was quite
meaningful to them as well as the chance to express their individuality. It was
pretty nerve-racking getting up in front of everybody and giving my
presentation, however I feel like once I started telling my story out loud, it
re-assured my beliefs even more. It was cool seeing everyone’s creations and
allowing myself to ponder over each story. The chat helped me open my mind and
learn to really respect other people’s beliefs.
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